Join Declan in praying the Jesus Prayer for our world, and all its People as we cope with this pandemic. The Jesus Prayer is an ancient Christian Prayer form, based on the words of the Blind Man asking for help from Jesus. Traditionally you begin it by repeating the Phrase often in the presence of a Holy Icon. Jesus is reputed to have lived for 33 years on this Earth. So it is repeated 33 times. This practice was used in the very early Christian Church and was a favourite of the Desert Fathers and Mothers in Egypt. I believe it was used even earlier back as far as the time of the Apostles. It is sometimes known as ”the Prayer of the Heart”. What starts in the mind slowly deepens from the head into the heart or soul. It is a very powerful way to pray. Please try it. Some people use it with prayer beads or ropes with 33 knots. This is not essential. Sit and join me and allow God to fill your heart with His peace. God Bless you.
Many will be in lockdown living with family members. This is not always easy. The lovely prayer attributed to St Francis is a way to help us live in these unusual times. We are each called to try to be true instruments of peace as we follow the example of Jesus our Master. Join Declan in praying this lovely prayer. Indeed it might become a family morning and night prayer. Don’t go to your rest in an angry mood. Make peace. God Bless and love you.
Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life.
Many of us who are isolating are spending time walking or working in our gardens if we are lucky to have one. Perhaps a byproduct of this prolonged time in isolation is a growing awareness and appreciation of the beauty that God surrounds us with each day. Perhaps we have taken this gift for granted in the past busy lives we led. Take a few moments to pray with Declan as you view this video.
Join Declan in praying for ten minutes before Jesus The Bread of Life.
This prayer uses Holy Scripture from the Gospel of John and also the Litany Pope Francis used at His prayer during the Holy Week Urbi et Orbi message and Prayer this year.
Declan explains this wonderful Holy Icon, a copy of the famous Rublev Icon and prays with it.
The core of Christianity is the belief that God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Take 10 minutes to pray before this lovely icon.
This programme gives families of every kind the opportunity to become stronger by working and reflecting together. The programme consists of four sessions and the resources here will guide you through each of them. Any family can participate, the family in the home, in the classroom or school or community group.
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES The resources linked to each of the four sessions are designed to provide parents, teachers or group leaders with all they need to organise and run the programme. In addition to Session Notes and other downloadable materials, there are short films to guide leaders as they prepare to work with their particular “family” group. In addition to being aids for preparation, the films can also be used during sessions if you wish.
Other resources
Trocaire has compiled the following reflection based on a recent statement of Pope Francis: “The pandemic reminds us there are no difference or borders between those who suffer. We are all frail, all equal, all precious. May we be profoundly shaken: Now is the time to eliminate inequalities and heal the injustice undermining the health of the entire human family!”
Click here:
My Planet My Pledge: Youth Work Ireland has developed an online activity pack on climate change and the environment. The My Planet My Pledge activity pack was originally developed as a workshop session, but due to the COVID-19 outbreak, it has been adapted to be delivered as an online resource. The pack contains activities to support young people develop skills and knowledge to enable them to live an environmentally friendlier life and to support them recognise their responsibilities and abilities to become advocates for the environment and climate change. The pack is available at
Young Philosopher Awards: Ethical questions are important not only in our everyday interactions with others, but in the use of technology, how we conduct ourselves at school and at work, how governments and institutions undertake their duty and conduct their practices, and how we plan for the future as well as reflect upon past actions. The UCD Young Philosopher Awards are inviting young people to create a short project on any ethical questions that they think is important or relevant in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Prizes will be awarded for the best entries. The best entries will also be published on the UCD Centre for Ethics in Public Life website and the IYPA website. Find out more here>>
The Religion Teacher website offers lots of free printable student worksheets on Lent/Sunday Readings which Parents could use at home with students?
Junior Cycle RE Once again, here is the link to last Thursday week’s JCT RE webinar and resources in case you couldn’t link in:
Youth Work at a Social Distance Zoom resources
Below are some resources we wanted to make you aware of: Attached is 24/7 Prayer’s resource for helping young people to pray that we highlighted on the call. Thanks to 24/7 for developing this! We highlighted a resource called Rock Solid TV made by Youth For Christ. It is brilliant and you can find out more at the below link! Do check out Alpha’s Webinar series as a fantastic resource for you, your youth, their parents, and your church!
Scripture Union Ireland have just launched a part of their website called SU+ where they have been releasing fantastic resources. Link is below COVID-19 Praying with Young People[1]
Scripture Union – Light My Path Series is settling into a program now for the next 8 weeks. During this time they will make available for streaming all the parts of the NUA Film Series along with exclusive SU+ devotionals. This is completely free and suitable for all ages. To subscribe visit
Messenger Publications – The following message has been forwarded by Donal Neary S.J., editor of the messenger of St. Anthony: “The Messenger is still being printed and distributed monthly. However, some may find it hard to access it. Thus, we are offering a free digital subscription for three months. If you would like to receive this, please send an email to, with message digital.” Messenger publications can be ordered at
Sr Deirdre McKenna RSM who is a social worker with the Southern Health Social Care Trust in NI along with her colleagues has created some helpful short videos on helping to respond to living and dying issues during the current COVID-19 situation. From the videos I have watched, these are very good resources and I commend them to you. The following link will take you directly to the video clips:
Teacher Welfare – Some practical and timely advice for teachers during this difficult time. … and for the students
Emotional Wellbeing during the Covid-19 Pandemic – Video In conjunction with Fr. Dermot McCaul, SMA, the diocese has produced a short video on emotional wellbeing during the Covid-19 pandemic. The video is intended to offer guidance around issues of emotional wellbeing and mental health during these times. It also gives some sound and practical advice on how each of us can navigate these challenges and indeed flourish beyond this period. Fr. Dermot suggests five daily actions and activities that can help:
The video can be accessed at the following link:
A good read to cheer you up ‘The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse’ is a beautiful, illustrated, heartfelt book filled with characters each of us can relate to in some fashion. The conversations held between the Boy, and the friends he finds along the way, are a reflection of truths many of us have forgotten - how to be gentle to ourselves and others. How to love without limit. (Author: Charlie Mackesy) Also Read HOPE FOR THE FLOWERS by Trina Paulus. “How does one become a butterfly,” Yellow asks pensively. “You must want to fly so much That you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.”
Lord please ease me from my OCD suffering and let me serve you as a Health care worker