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In the final pages of the National Directory for Catechesis in Ireland it states that now is the time to revitalise our Christian lives and find new directions for spreading the Good News. This new website and Commission is certainly doing that. Congratulations.

Only discovered this site. Really useful and uplifting! Congrats to all concerned.

Thanks to Declan for recommending your wonderful website to me. Congratulations to all involved. Lots of inspiring ideas for use with all ages. I will be a regular visitor! God bless!
Congratulations to all involved - very good site with an effective, modern approach. I am currently using some of this material with my P7 class.
Gerard Manley Hopkins wrote; "Glory be to God for dappled things. For skies as couple-coloured as brindled cows. For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim." If only we could communicate our message like him! Both Prayer and Spirituality all in one.