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Triduum of Prayer to St Patrick

Date posted: 10-03-2023

As we celebrate the 150th year since the Dedication of St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh, a special TRIDUUM OF PRAYER TO SAINT PATRICK will take place in the Cathedral from Tuesday 14 – Thursday 16 March. 
Mass on the three mornings in St Patrick’s Cathedral  at 10am and on the three evenings  at 7.30pm

A time to look back! (Archbishop Eamon Martin)
Wednesday 15 March 7.30pm - A time to give thanks! (Fr Peter Burns CSSR, Rector of Clonard Monastery, Belfast)
Thursday 16 March 7.30pm - A time to look forward with hope and with joy! (Bishop Michael Router)

Prayer to St Patrick

O God, you sent your blessed servant St Patrick to teach and save the people of his time and place. You gave our patron a loving heart like your own. You filled him with great faith and a burning desire to work hard for your kingdom. Please listen when he prays for us, his sons and daughters. Grant to us, through his intercession, a lively faith, a firm hope and a strong will to build your kingdom. We pray this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Home of St Patrick Festival, Armagh - Saturday 11 – Sunday 19 March 2023

At Home with Patrick – Past, Present & Future - The Market Place Theatre: Tuesday 14 March, 7.30pm

Free but booking essential through The Market Place Theatre.  Armagh Cathedrals Partnership invite you to a special evening of music, story, poetry and prayer to celebrate St Patrick. The guest speaker will be the Reverend Henry Hull who is the Church of Ireland Dean of Down. He’s responsible for St Patrick’s Grave and also pilgrimage events in Downpatrick. This promises to be a very special evening as we celebrate the St Patrick’s Festival in Armagh and light refreshments will be served afterwards.  

St Patrick’s Lecture - The Market Place Theatre:  Thursday 16 March, 4pm

Free but booking essential through The Market Place Theatre. On the eve of St Patrick’s Day, the Primates of the two principal Churches in Ireland, Archbishop John McDowell and Archbishop Eamon Martin will discuss what St Patrick means to them in a 21st century context and how his words continue to resonate across the world.

St Patrick’s Vigil Walk –  Thursday 16 March, 9pm – 10pm

This event has become a popular activity during the city’s Home of St Patrick’s Festival. The Vigil Walk by torchlight is led by the leaders of the city’s two Cathedrals, both called St Patrick’s. Join them in prayer and conversation as the Vigil starts from the Church of Ireland Cathedral and moves to the Roman Catholic Cathedral, a symbolic reflection of St Patrick’s own journey to unite through Christianity.

Sculpture ‘Let the Oppressed go free!’ on display in Cathedral  14 –18 March

A six foot model of a sculpture by renowned Canadian sculptor Tim Schmalz will be on display in St Patrick's Cathedral  Armagh  from Tuesday 14 – Saturday 18 March.  The piece is called 'Let the Oppressed Go Free'.  It features St Josephine Bakhita releasing a host of human trafficking victims from the 'underground' thus letting them be seen and to be free.


Timothy Schmalz is a Canadian sculptor whose bronze sculpture ‘Angels Unawares’ was installed in St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican in 2019.  That 20ft sculpture depicts a group of migrants and refugees on a boat from diverse cultures and historical moments. The title is a reference to Hebrews 13:2 which says ‘Remember always to welcome strangers, for by doing this, some people have entertained angels without knowing it.’

He is also well known through his piece ‘Homeless Jesus’ which has been reproduced in many cities around the world, including Dublin.

Cardinal Michael Czerny, who was key to the commissioning of both 'Angels Unawares' and 'Let the Oppressed Go Free' has stated that -

“If you do not take care of the people in the first sculpture (i.e. the migrants/refugees) they will end up in the other sculpture (as trafficking victims).”

One full size (20ft) bronze of 'Let the Oppressed Go Free' will be installed / unveiled this June where St Bakhita is buried in Italy

Other full bronzes of the piece have been created for America and Canada

The hope is that with the help of a Patron in US, a full size bronze (20ft) of 'Let the Oppressed Go Free' will come to Ireland

Retreats, SMA Dromantine, Newry

DANCE OF LIFE RETREAT -  Friday 17th March (5.00pm) – Sunday 19th (2.00pm)

In this retreat the opportunity to dance may bring a renewed awareness in your sense of self, connection with others and connection with God.

Led by Sr. Mary Taylor OLA and Fr. Damian Bresnahan SMA

Cost £220/€250

LENTEN REFLECTION DAY -  Saturday 25th March 9.30am – 5.00pm

This day provides time and space to reflect and pray on themes of Lent and to prepare our hearts and minds to celebrate Holy Week and Easter

Led by Fr. Des Corrigan SMA

Cost (including lunch) £35/€40

To make a booking: Tel; 02830821964 or email: admin@dromantineconference.com

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